Monday, August 22, 2005

Jesse must be appeased!

Up close
Originally uploaded by Vocal Shrapnel.
with an update.

I went to work for my last dress-up night and forgot to charge the camera before hand... so I got about five pictures worth using rather than the twenty-odd I had intended.

This is Malcolm. He was my boss, and more importantly he is my homie. Following the link will take you to other homies of mine in the A-ville vicinity.

So the bad news is that I got my package return to sendered and I'm furious. So should you be, Mr. Malcovsky. I have some kind of postal service curse, but I'm UPSing it tomorrow. Also, classes start on Wednesday, which is bad news only in so far as I'm registered for a bunch of whack shit and have to move in between then and now.

The good news, however, is that I'm no longer a waiter, and in the impending days I'll be able to develop all my Europe pictures.

The next few days will be harrowing and obnoxious, but after that, I'll be back in the college swing of things, and that will be swell.

In a related story, all my czech compatriots should go to and download the screensaver. It's like drinking an ice cold budvar every time your screensaver is activated, except it's with your eyes and doesn't get you drunk or make you sing.

MUSIC: oh canada

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