Flickr has a limit, and it resets with the calendar month. Guess what, it's barely October, and I used it all up. I could only put 9 of the 50-something pictures I scanned in this weekend up. It was hard to narrow them down. Maybe I'll sneak a few up on the blog while I wait for november. I also have some pictures from this weekend which will not be seeing the light of day any time very soon.
But go look at the crazy contraption I made Jesse and Andrew get into! There's a lot of those pictures.
Also, Kasia, Michael, and Richard are waiting until november to get posted. Plus, there's more of Traci, Jess, Prague, and Olomouc waiting to get the "I got photographed by Jef and am posted on his website" club.
It's a good club.
MUSIC: guided by voices: ex-supermodel